The site is designed as a service to our customers and may be used for information purposes only. All items are subject to modification, change and/or being withdrawn at any time in the sole discretion of XPRINTSDISPLAYS. The sketches, renderings, graphic materials, plans, specifications, terms, conditions and statements displayed on this Website are proposed only, and the Developer reserves the right to modify, revise or withdraw any or all of same in its sole discretion and without prior notice. All depictions of appliances, counters, furniture, finishes, lighting, plumbing fixtures, soffits, floor coverings and other matters of detail are conceptual only and are not necessarily included in each Unit. All prices are subject to change at any time and without notice, and do not include optional features or premiums for upgraded Units. From time to time, price changes may have occurred that are not yet reflected on this Website. Please check with the sales center for the most current pricing.
Features and Benefits:
Meet Customers' Specifications
Attractive Contemporary Designs
Engineered Aluminum Extrusion
Vibrant Premium UV Tension Fabric Graphics
Easy Assembly
Individually Labeled Components with Corresponding Set-up Diagrams
Staged and Photographed with Your Graphics before Shipping
Includes All Tension Premium UV Fabric Print Graphics Shown
Includes Road Cases Option with Customized Packaging
Excludes Furniture, Planter Boxes, Accessories, and Monitors
For Additional Information: Please Call: 1-888-267-0881 or Contact Us